7 Instagram Interior Design

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Are you searching on the Google search engine for “interior design inspiration for the home”? If so, this article can help you find answers. So many interior design inspirations for homes in cyberspace and makes us confused. Here are 7 Instagram Interior designs that can inspire you.

7 Interior Design Inspiration Instagram Accounts:

1. Interlook

2. Ekys Home Living

3. Idea Online

4. Arsitag

5. Kreakita Home Decor

6. Estetika Ruang

7. Interior Design Ideas

1. Interlook

Kitchen - Interlook - 7 Interior Design Inspiration Instagram Accounts - Kaliuda Gallery Bali

Kitchen – Interlook

One of the design inspirations for the kitchen from Interlook. The combination of colors from the kitchen and furniture around the room adjacent to the kitchen or in the picture is a family room/lounge. By utilizing windows as a source of natural lighting. If you want to make a kitchen set, you can order your own design at a Bali furniture supplier.

2. Ekys Home Living

Living Room - Ekys Home Living - 7 Interior Design Inspiration Instagram Accounts - Kaliuda Gallery Bali

Living Room – Ekys Home Living

The next inspiration is for the living room. Still in the same color as the kitchen before, which is gray. Starting from the sofa, carpet, to the curtains. Make this living room feel comfortable. You can get items like the photos in a Bali home decor shop.

3. Idea Online

Garden - Idea Online - 7 Interior Design Inspiration Instagram Accounts - Kaliuda Gallery Bali

Garden – Idea Online

One part of the house that is no less important is the garden. Both the garden in front and backyard. Or if the existing land does not allow us to have a garden, then we can make a vertical garden. Idea Online provides inspiration for a beautiful garden in the corner of the house, which means that a garden doesn’t have to be large.

4. Arsitag

Bedroom - Arsitag - 7 Interior Design Inspiration Instagram Accounts - Kaliuda Gallery Bali

Bedroom – Arsitag

Want to feel another sensation in the bedroom with an open bathroom? You can follow the design ideas on Instagram Arsitag. The predominance of the material used is wood. What wood is suitable for this bathroom and bedroom? You can check 8 Types of Wood and Their Characteristics.

5. Kreakita Homedecor

Office Room - Kreakita Homedecor - 7 Interior Design Inspiration Instagram Accounts - Kaliuda Gallery Bali

Office Room – Kreakita Homedecor

Comfort in work determines our level of productivity. If our working environment is comfortable and clean, then we will be enthusiastic to work. One of the interior design inspirations for this workspace can be seen on Instagram Kreakita Homedecor. During June, Kaliuda Gallery has a promo of 30% + cashback of IDR 150,000*) for teak wood furniture. So, you can get this writing desk for IDR 8,955,000 + cashback IDR 150,000. 

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6. Estetika Ruang

Garden - Estetika Ruang - 7 Interior Design Inspiration Instagram Accounts - Kaliuda Gallery Bali

Garden – Estetika Ruang

Previously, the inspiration from Idea Online was a corner garden, then the inspiration for the garden design from Estetika Ruang is an indoor garden next to the family room.

7. Interior Design Ideas

And the last one is Interior Design Ideas, which has a split-level bedroom design inspiration. Usually, for a room with a split level, custom furniture is required. One of the furniture shops in Bali that accepts custom furniture making is Kaliuda Gallery. You can freely choose materials, colors, sizes, and even designs for the room in your home and adjust it to your budget.

How about our selected 7 Interior Design Inspiration Instagram Accounts? Have you got the idea to organize your room? Happy decorating and see you in the next article.


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