Kaliuda Gallery’s Tips & Tricks to Kick-Start your New Year

Happy New Year! 🎉

The new year has just begun and it’s the best time to really take time for new possibilities and opportunities which lie ahead, it’s the time of setting our resolutions and vowing to make the following year the best ever and what we hope to achieve in the next 12 months ahead. It’s also good to review any major mistakes, major moments, or constructive feedback received from the previous year and discuss how they can be prevented or improved on. So here are some of Kaliuda Gallery’s tips & tricks to kick start your New Year:

1. Start your day with a meditation and positive music
2. Declutter
3. Define your vision and set goals
4. Practice gratitude and develop healthy rituals
5. Forgive

1. Start your day with a meditation and positive music

We are sure that you’ve heard or read about the benefits of meditation and there’s no doubt that meditation is a great tool to maintain a healthy balance between your mind and your body. It’s a simple technique that you can practice anytime and anywhere. Meditation helps to reduce stress, but a great benefit is that you will find peace within, the peace that spiritual traditions talk about that passes all understanding.

One of the biggest goals of meditation is that you tune in with yourself and connect with your center, to get in touch with the energy of “oneness”. Meditation is a way to get in the space between your thoughts. You have a thought here, a thought there and there’s little space between every thought that is called stillness – this space is the gateway to the infinite mind and that sense of divine connection. Complete this activity with positive music that suits your genre. 

Start your day with a meditation and positive music - Kaliuda Gallery's Tips & Tricks to Kick-Start your New Year

Start your day with a meditation and positive music | Image source: mindful.org

2. Declutter 

Give yourself a fresh start for the new year with a clean house, clean bedroom, clean kitchen. If you’re feeling inspired and motivated by the new year, take advantage of that energy and spend a few weekends clearing clutter throughout the house. Decluttering is popular for new year’s resolutions but can also seem overwhelming too. Before you begin, we will share with you some of our tips for decluttering. The more stuff you have means the more time you spend cleaning.

Do you have tons of clothes? Lots of knick-knacks? That means lots of time doing laundry and folding not to mention also dusting. If you haven’t used it in six months, chances are you won’t use it. So donate those unused items instead as they are taking up your precious time and space. Also, combine the 6-month method with the three-bin sort method to help you comb through your items so you can easily find a place for everything. When using this method you create 3 bins which are kept, toss, and donate. Keep in mind that you can always turn them into cash if you have a hard time parting with items. That is some of our tips. Check out two of our articles to maximize your skill to master the art of declutter and How to clean your house.

Declutter - Kaliuda Gallery's Tips & Tricks to Kick-Start your New Year

Declutter | Image source: google.com

3. Define your vision and set goals  

Ask yourself, what do you truly want in your life? What’s your dream? Knowing where you’re going in life is part of your journey in finding yourself and that journey is continuous in life. Write it all down. It’s basic to create a project plan for your personal goals this year. Divide your plan into months and weeks and reflect on it each and every month. 

Define your Vision and Set Goals - Kaliuda Gallery's Tips & Tricks to Kick-Start your New Year

Define your vision and set goals | Image source: google.com


4. Practice gratitude and develop healthy rituals

Those who are thankful lead by far the happiest lives. To live in a state of gratitude lets you lead your life with fulfillment instead of longing. Try to see each situation, no matter how tough, through what it has taught you and why you should be thankful for it, instead of why it has happened to you. Value the things you have now. The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they’re thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.

The best way to reap the benefits of gratitude is to notice new things you’re grateful for every day. If you fill your mind with positive thoughts in the morning, you set the right intentions for your whole day. No matter what life situations you face, you are the person who establishes your rituals, routines, and ways of thinking, and those in the end, define you. Rituals develop into our habits and become part of our routine. To live a great life, the key is to live healthily. Well-being is the source of happiness, success, and productivity. 

Practice gratitude and develop healthy rituals - Kaliuda Gallery's Tips & Tricks to Kick-Start your New Year

Practice gratitude and develop healthy rituals | Image source: Healthline.com

5. Forgive

We have all been hurt by another person at some time or another. We were treated badly, trust was broken, hearts were hurt. While this pain is normal, sometimes that pain lingers for too long. We relive the pain over and over and have a hard time letting go. This causes problems. Not only do we become unhappy but this can strain or even ruin relationships and distract us from work and family and other important things. We need to learn to let go. We need to be able to forgive, so we can move on and be happy.

This is one of the most important things you need to do if you want that lightness in your heart. Forgive and then forget all the hurt that makes you a different person than the one you want to be. Forgiveness is not about pardoning someone; it’s a radical shift in your thinking and something you should do for yourself. When you learn to forgive, you look at life differently. Forgiving means forgiving yourself and letting go. It also means understanding that you are human and so are others. Forgiveness can change your life. It is not easy but you can learn to do it. 

Forgive - Kaliuda Gallery's Tips & Tricks to Kick-Start your New Year

Forgive | Image source: google.com

That’s our tips & tricks to kick-start this New Year 2021, start bringing a surge of positivity to your life, and start by being happy and feel the change in you and everything around you.

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