5 Ways to Organize Your Workspace at Home

Having a private work area at home has become a need. Although the pandemic era has passed, it turns out that the “Work from Home” or WFH work system has become one system that will continue in the future. Working at home is certainly different from being in the office. To get used to it, it’s a good idea to create a special area for working at home. For those of you who are planning to turn the remaining space at home into a workplace, we will provide a guide so that your workspace feels comfortable. So, what needs to be prepared when arranging a workspace at home? Here’s the explanation.

5 Ways to Organize Your Workspace at Home to Make It More Comfortable

  1. Room Size According to Work Needs
  2. The board near the desk
  3. Good Lighting and Air Circulation
  4. Using a Comfortable Chair
  5. Live Plants

  1. Room Size According to Work Needs

Choose a room that suits your work needs. If you don’t need a lot of movement with a lot of storage space, a small room is a right choice.

Home Office Inspiration for Small Space | Source: google.com

Home Office Inspiration for Small Space | Source: Google.com

Indeed, in a large room, we are free to put various equipment we need, such as books, printers, paper, and others, but the room is small. However, organizing all of that equipment in a small space will make it even tidier. So that the workspace is not cramped, avoid storing too much in it. The solution is to choose furniture that is more multifunctional. For example, you can use a work desk, which already has a lot of drawers. In addition, also take advantage of the corner in the workspace as a storage area by installing wall cabinets. The most important thing is that you have to tidy up your workspace every day to keep it comfortable. Or you can also buy rattan storage from Kaliuda Gallery:

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  1. Organize your workspace use the board near the desk

To help remind us of the various jobs that are still piling up, you should put a workboard that has a magnet or can be pierced with a small nail. On the board, we can paste various lists of work to be completed.

Board near office desk Inspiration | Source: google.com

Board near office desk Inspiration | Source: Google.com

In addition, the work board can also be attached to meeting schedules and various other interests that support our work. Don’t forget to also provide a small calendar that is easy to mark for your schedule or important days.

  1. Good Lighting and Air Circulation

A dim room can interfere with our vision at work and easily make us sleepy. Therefore, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the lighting in the workspace, be it natural lighting or lamp light.

Good lighting and Air Circulation | Source: Pinterest

Good lighting and Air Circulation | Source: Pinterest

Likewise with air circulation. This is also a factor that we must consider in arranging the workspace at home. When working, we need a room with adequate ventilation. If needed, we also install air conditioning (AC). Good air circulation can make us comfortable at work.

  1. Using a Comfortable Chair

When doing various jobs in the workspace, chair comfort is also very important. Make the seat as comfortable as possible and support our work atmosphere.

Office chair from Leather | Source: Pinterest

Office chair from Leather | Source: Pinterest

If needed, add a seat cushion on the seat to make us more comfortable and can lean back easily. The seat can also be added to the cushion which can reduce the feeling of soreness when we sit for too long.

  1. Live Plants

To add freshness to the room, try to add live plants that can be placed on the table. No need for large plants with difficult care, just use small plants such as cacti or Chinese bamboo that can decorate our desks. The green color can brighten our tired eyes and provide positive energy in doing various jobs.

Live Plants in Home Office Inspiration | Source: Pinterest

Live Plants in Home Office Inspiration | Source: Pinterest

So, here are 5 ways to organize your workspace at home to be productive and comfortable. To complete the comfort while working, be sure to have quality furniture from Kaliuda Gallery You can also get a variety of interesting promos by following our social media, you know! Happy shopping!

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